Public speaking is a skill not everyone is born with, but it can certainly be learned. Help your child become a more confident speaker this summer!


For Ages 12-18 years old

April 2, 9, 23, 30, May 7; Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00 PM

Php 5000

Program Description

The course aims to equip learners with speech writing and public speaking techniques. At the end of the course, the learners should be able to demonstrate confidence in public speaking. Learning about public speaking and writing will help your child build self-confidence, improve interpersonal skills and relationships, become a better, more persuasive communicator, and realize their potential as a leader.

Public speaking is a skill not everyone is born with, but it can certainly be learned. Help your child become a more confident speaker this summer!

This workshop aims to equip learners with speech writing and public speaking techniques. At the end of this interactive, online course, learners should be able to demonstrate confidence in public speaking.

Course Outline


  • Why we should learn Public Speaking
  • Communication Cycle
  • Art of Active Listening

Speech Writing

  • Steps on how to write a speech
  • Researching your topic
  • Mind-mapping
  • Parts of a speech
  • How to write a compelling speech


  • Vocal variety
  • Body Language
  • Tips on Presenting Virtually


  • How to be more confident in public speaking
  • Confidence-boosting tips

Coaching and Presentation

  • Individual practice session
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Public Speaking with peers/audience
  • Feedback from peers/teacher


Joanna Magalong-De Veyra, dtm

  • Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmasters International

  • National/District Humorous Speech Champion in Toastmasters, 2016

  • Division Champion in International Prepared Speech in Toastmasters, 2013

  • Writer for ABS-CBN Online and Metro.Style

  • Adarna House & Pinoy Storytellers affiliate

  • Trainer and consultant for public speaking and presentation skills

 Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the flow of a typical session?

It usually starts with sharing answers to assignments, followed by an interactive lecture with activities, and ending with a discussion of the next assignment.

Will they be allowed to speak one by one?

Yes. This class is designed to make the student practice public speaking in every class. There's also the last session where they do a finished speech for 3-4 minutes.

What writing assignments are given and how long will it take them to finish?

The class is designed to have the learners write their speech through steps/increments starting on Day 3, with progress checks in between (the assignments). The learners will only be asked to submit written work on Day 8.

Does this class have a manual?

Students get access to chosen slides that they can download via Google Classroom. At the end of Day 7, the class will get a Public Speaking Checklist that can guide them in finishing and in delivering their speech, and other speeches that they may do thereafter.

What Students and Parents Say:

  • "Teacher Joanna is an admirable teacher. She’s helping me improve things that I might need for the next school year. She makes the lessons simple enough for anyone to learn and she’s a really fun person." - Chasey Garrido (student)

  • I feel that the feedbacks given to kids are very enlightening. It has both positive feedback and room for improvement. The teacher also makes sure that kids listen to speaker and so asked for concrete feedbacks. Teacher sounds confident and an expert on the topic yet approachable. I talked to Byn and Im glad how she starts enjoying public speaking. She was really scared about it but she’s starting opening up about it which is every encouraging. I also took note of the feedback to Byn and Im very thankful for it. So thank you so much! - Mrs. Nito

  • “I really liked it and I’m happy that I got to learn more about the presentation and how like the environment of where you’re talking affects and the mood, tone of voice, etc. and how important all those are. I might now talk to people first (not wait for them to talk to me first). i really like it and it made feel confident that I know all these things.” - Rheianne (student)